Help Yourself and Others
Help Yourself and Others
Welcome to Help Yourself and Others courses. These self-help courses are designed to give you the techniques and tools to overcome common issues, break patterns and move forwards with your life.
Each course is available to watch spoken in English, Lithuanian or Russian.
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Frequently asked questions
What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?
Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses a person's imagination to help with a variety of mental and physical problems. A trained hypnotherapist guides the person into a state of relaxation and concentration where the person becomes more open to suggestion. A hypnotherapist uses verbal repetitions and imagery to help a person achieve their goals.
What if I have no imagination?
Imagination is a skill that can be trained: the more you use it, the better it becomes.
Who is not suitable for hypnotherapy?
Important! Do not use hypnotherapy if you suffer from psychosis or a certain type of personality disorder, as it may make your condition worse. Talk to your GP first if you have a personality disorder.
Do not use hypnosis while under the influence of drugs.
How much does a hypnotherapy session cost?
The average cost of a single hypnotherapy session in the UK can range from £50 to £150, although some hypnotherapists may charge more or less depending on a number of factors.
Sessions with a qualified medical professional cost about $100-$250 on average in the US.